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Sunday, 12 January 2014

Faith & such -2

Do you believe in miracles? Everybody does. If you don’t agree, let me re-frame the question. Have you at any time in your life hoped for a miracle? 

A crowded examination hall, question papers are being handed and you wish the questions turn out the ones you prepared last night.

A dim-lit room in the hospital, a loved one on the bed and with every ticking of the clock makes you anxious about the reports of the confirmatory diagnosis. All you have is a glimmer of hope that the earlier diagnosis was a mistake.

Or it could be a ordinary day,  you want something and you hope for a miracle to hand it over. 

Everyone hopes for a miracle at least once in their life. Sometimes, he gets it then, hopes for an another one. The basis of all faiths stem from a miracle. Most of the revolutionary inventions were accidents. All the religions of the world rely on miracles.

Alas, the world of miracles isn’t all that glittering. This natural human instinct is the most exploited one. You see a large number of people performing miracles, from bending spoons to curing the terminally ill. Don’t get me wrong. I am not opposed to any miracles. After all, the basis of miracle is blind trust so you cannot support any type of miracle versus another. I think it is wrong,when miracles don’t happen but a false promise is made. 

A simple woman who goes to someone believing he can create a miracle for her terminally ill husband, a large amount of money extracted with a promise. She hopes against hope and then, when nothing happens blames herself for making a mistake somewhere in the process. After many years comes the disenchantment when she realises, she was duped. 

My heart breaks when dreams are shattered and hopes are lost. People start becoming skeptic, and all this happens because someone claims to be a miracle man. The healthy balance of good versus evil is lost because people lose faith in goodness.

What you have to understand is that miracles are like surprise parties. If they start happening regularly then, you lose the element of surprise. They do happen sometimes, when you are least expecting. You can’t buy miracles from a shop, no matter who is selling. If you buy those defective miracles, then all you get is a shell of a glimmering optimism which opens to reveal a hollow and dark cynicism. Instead, why not believe in life and let it throw a surprise party once in a while. 

Have you ever encountered a miracle? Or do you know someone who was duped on the pretense of a miracle? Do share your stories, I’d love to hear from you.


  1. As I am having slip disk, doctor had advised me not to lift things. One day I had a tire puncture for my car on a busy road. I parked the vehicle in front of a gate of a building where there is no activity. Unexpectedly, I got help from a security guard to change the tire. Even today I look at the building when I pass through and I see no person there.

  2. You have written very nicely on miracles in this post. Well, I believe there are many things in this world which we don't know, or we refuse to believe in. Miracles do happen in reality and for me it is at the time when it is least expected. To try, put effort consistently is in ones hands. when I see advertisements in local trains or on tv claiming miracle in 24 hr, the next thought is, how is that possible? These people fool others, and people in problem who have lost hopes and faith are their targets.
    But to keep trying, and having faith is the best way. And that's the time of happening of miracles. Sorry for such a long comment. But was thinking same while travelling by train yesterday.

    1. Yes, Deepa, you are right. These advertisements are targeted towards fooling the people in desperate circumstances. It is really sad. When real miracles happen, they are unexpected.
      Secondly, you don't have to apologize for a long comment. I love reading comments and feedback. They make my day. :)
      Keep visiting.

  3. never experienced miracle. if it happens also it might take a long time for me to believe since there are so many fake things in this world.

    1. That is what I meant. These fake things tend to make us skeptic. I hope you will soon get a real miracle. :)

  4. Lovely Kiran! I believe in Miracles! I feel life itself is a Miracle. Everyday we get to encounter lots of Miracles...

    1. So true, Anita. We don't have to search miracles but open our eyes and look at life.

  5. A balanced take on miracles Kiran. Yes they do happen once in a while and make us happy. I would like them to happen more frequently though. :)

    1. I would like them to happen frequently too. But then, they would cease to be a miracle and become routine. Have a great day, Somali :)

  6. I am currently expecting a miracle to happen with something I am getting into - normally the process takes 3 months, I want it to happen in 1.5 😊

    1. Alok, I do hope a miracle happens for you 😊 All the best!


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